Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Some thoughts on the iPad

Alright, about a week with the iPad as my gotodevice and I am pretty happy. Mrs. Angrybell has named my iPad"Doris" and is referring to it as my mistress. I think that's a little unfair. I would never have a mistress named Doris. Yvonne, Amber maybe,but never Doris.

Anyways, it seems to bee thing among attorneys to say what they are running on their iPads. So here goes:

Documents to go (the full version with the PDF program,it's version of word, excel and PowerPoint)
Dragon dictation

Overall I'm pleased with how they work. I thought I would have more trouble adapting to the small virtual keyboard but it hasn't really been a problem. Dragon though is not as good, so far, as the version I use on my wintel machines. But that may be because I have not used it enough for it to adapt properly. We shall see.

Now, once we get into the fun apps, I have been trying a lot of the free apps. Some I have ben keeping. I was a little disappointed with the Kindle app, mostly because it does not allow you to access documents that you have converted to Kindle format. This kind of sucks, for lack of a better word, because ihave a number of ebooksthatigadbught iotherformats thatdonot translate up into iBooks and Kindle wont download from account like it would to my Kindle reader. Fortuantely, I found a free app, exlibris, that will accept my books.

The one app I have searched in vain for is one that would allow me to score a baseball game. There is one app out that does, however, the reviews all say that it is a waste of money because it is impossible to use and/or it crashes all the time. So if there is a developer out, you know, it might be nice. There's a lot of tech savvy fans out there. I'm just saying.

Alright, so this week i am going to start trying the iWork programs. It would be nice not to lose my pleading formatting that docs to go is incapable of handling (either on the iPad or on my Blackbery). I know, it's laziness on my part but I just hate having to reformat the pleading numbers back in if I edit it all on my iPad.

Also, to Google, could you please upgrade you app to make it easier to use blogger. Thanks.

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