But I figure it is for a good cause. You may or may not know that Volunteer Legal Services Project is a component of the San Francisco Bar Association. It provides representation to low-income and indigent people in civil cases. Every year, because of the support that the VLSP is able to give, thousands of people are provided with attorneys to represent them in cases involving landlord-tenant disputes, family law matters (including child custody and dissolution cases), as well as attorneys for non-profits which provide services for others.
However, like with other organizations, the economy is hitting the VLSP hard. They are looking at having to furlough a significant portion of their staff. This means that no one will be there to answer the phone when someone is facing an eviction. No one will be able to place the case when a parent needs to try and keep their kid from being taken away from them by potentially violent parent. And no on will be able to help translate for an immigrant who has been tripped up by a credit card company.
I regularly volunteer my time for their cases. They are always in need of other attorneys, translators, and social workers, among others, who are able to volunteer their time to help others less fortunate. If you are not able to volunteer your time, perhaps you will consider donating some money to them.
Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
3 hours ago
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