Wednesday, August 30, 2006

New Case

I keep swearing that I will not do this to myself again. And yet, here I am, once again jumping into the middle of a case that another set of attorneys (from a much larger, well funded) law firm threw their hands up in defeat and decided to cut their losses.

One of the first things I do when I get a case, I check out who the opposing counsel is. In the begining it was because I was curious to know who I would be dealing with. After one particular case, where the attorney in question had a history of being disciplined by the bar, I was glad that I did, since it lead me to not take the attorney in question at his word.

So as I was looking at the website for the opposing counsel, I got a kick out of the last line. It read "Born [XXXX date], excellent health."

Glad to know he's healthy.

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